STOCKHOLM | Thursday 2nd March at 18:30
BOOK RELEASE – Author reading & signing
Welcome to celebrate the release of Little Bolton – The story of a Lancashire working class family at the start of the industrial revolution.
»In a small Lancashire town in the 1840s, three working class orphans struggle to survive. Despite technological advancement, life is harder for Nell, Bill and Luke than it was for their parents. As they grow up, they each find their own way of improving their situation, through marriage, education, or illegal means. But a family scandal that no one will talk about, and the mysterious Edward Ainsworth who will stop at nothing to destroy their family, threaten to ruin what progress they’ve made.«
Nora Lönn has been writing since the age of seven, producing reams of unpublished stories. A not so short foray into the world of academia resulted in her first published work. Many scientific articles and an Assistant professorship later, she eventually realised her love for writing was greater than her love for the medical sciences. Changing careers, she produced a number of short stories before progressing to a novel. Little Bolton is her first published work of fiction.
Welcome to this free author event in the Stockholm shop – bring a friend or two! (And the book sale in Stockholm continues all week, so make sure you check out the sales table!)