Reading groups

Online Reading Groups – join in from home

This page is about our local discussion Reading Groups that meet up in our bookshops. For information about our subscription Book Club, that delivers the Book of the Month to you wherever you happen to live, read more here:

Our reading groups are informal and relaxed occasions where we get together in the bookshop to discuss the book of the month (that we’ve read before the meeting).

We meet up in our cosy bookshops and enjoy a proper brew, some cake, and great discussions.

We are currently running four regular reading groups that meet up in all three bookshops in Uppsala, Stockholm, and Göteborg: Modern Fiction, Classics, Science Fiction, and the Fantasy reading group.

In Uppsala and Göteborg, we also have a Crime reading group.

In Stockholm and Göteborg, the Queer reading group meets up once a month.

The Uppsala shop now also offers a brand new Feel-Good reading group!

Each meeting is a separate event, so there’s no need to commit to an entire semester of reading groups. Join us when you have the time, and the book of the month interests you.

How do I get invitations to upcoming reading groups?

The best way to keep informed of upcoming reading groups is to sign up for the newsletter from one of our shops (Uppsala, Stockholm, or Göteborg) and check the boxes for the reading groups you are interested in. You’ll then get invites to upcoming reading group meetings for those reading groups. Sign up for the newsletter at:


How do I sign up for a meeting?

Just get in touch with the shop hosting the meeting and sign up. Or drop in if you’re a local. Pay the group fee at the meeting. (And if you can’t come to the shop to buy the book, just let us know and we’ll sort it.)

The Uppsala shop
email: • tel 018-10 05 10

The Stockholm shop
email: • tel 08-790 55 10

The Göteborg shop
email: • tel 031-45 55 10

You have Reading Groups as well as a Book Club?
What a cornucopia of bookishness – but what’s the difference?

Our local discussion Reading Groups is where we meet in our shops to discuss the book of the month in some of our Book of the Month categories. Laidback, cosy and fun! (Who knew there could be so many different opinions about a book! ;-)

With our subscription Book Club you get to experience our selected Book of the Month picks, even if you live further away from our bookshops. A new book every month in your postbox (it’s a bit like magic, and Christmas all year round!) And if you do live close to one of our bookshops (lucky you!), you can choose to pick up your monthly Book Club books at the shop instead (and you give us a bit of extra support since we don’t have to shell out for postage to get the book to you – and besides, it’s always nice to meet in person!).

Please note, if you’re a regular participant in any of our local Reading Groups, you will be able to buy the next book sooner by buying in at the previous meeting (or in the shop when signing up for a meeting) than you will from a Book Club subscription. (Want to know more about our subscription Book Club? Read more at )

Reading group titles in July 2024

Reading group meetings in July

Many of our reading groups take a well-deserved break in July and meet up again in August. The reading groups below have meetings also in July.

Modern Fiction: What You Are Looking for is in the Library – Michiko Aoyama
Uppsala: Thursday 25 July at 19:00  
Stockholm: summer hiatus 
Göteborg: Wednesday 24 July at 19:00 

Classics: Under the Volcano – Malcolm Lowry
Uppsala: summer hiatus  
Stockholm: summer hiatus 
Göteborg: Thursday 25 July at 19:00  

Feel-Good: The Bookshop by the Loch – Julie Shackman
NEW reading group in Uppsala: Tuesday 6 August at 19:00    

Sci-Fi: Chain-Gang All-Stars – Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah
Uppsala: summer hiatus  
Stockholm: summer hiatus 
Göteborg: Monday 29 July at 19:00

Fantasy: Foul Days – Genoveva Dimova
Uppsala: Wednesday 31 July at 19:00  (extra meeting: Mon 29 July)
Stockholm: Thursday 25 July at 18:30  
Göteborg: Wednesday 31 July at 19:00  

Crime reading group:
reads the Mystery title Over My Dead Body by Maz Evans 
Uppsala: summer hiatus  
Göteborg: Tuesday 23 July at 19:00 in the shop  

Queer: Lucky Red – Claudia Cravens 
Stockholm: summer hiatus  
Göteborg: Tuesday 30 July at 19:00  

Sign up by getting in touch with the shop hosting the meeting and we’ll reserve a seat for you!

Find out more about these reading group titles, and all the other titles in this month’s Book of the Month selection, on the front page.