
Birthday Party in Stockholm

Birthday Party 1 year on Södermalm in Stockholm

STOCKHOLM | Saturday 11th June

It’s time for a Birthday Party – and you’re invited! Saturday 11th June we’ll celebrate one year in Sofo in Stockholm with all day festivities in the Stockholm shop!

Special Birthday Offers all day (3-for-2 on everything!) and a full on Birthday Party from 17:00 with drinks, snacks, games and of course BOOKS!

The music event Make Musik STHLM will go on all day in Sofo, so we’ll have some amazing bands playing just outside of the shop.

Bring your friends and family and join us to celebrate the bookshop, and to get your hands on our curated selection of brilliant summer reads!

Japanese Poetry Game Night in Stockholm

Lets play Ogoola Karuta

STOCKHOLM | Thursday 2nd June 18:30–20:30

Welcome to play the Ogoola Karuta Poetry Game – an English version of the Japanese game Karuta.

A game about listening and finding FAST what you are listening to in the cards you will pick. Grab the correct cards before the others do in order to win! Known as an intellectual martial arts game in Japan. The cards have famous poetry quotes on them but no prior knowledge is needed!

No entrance fee but we have limited space – please let us know if you are planning to join! Sign up at the Stockholm shop. Japanese tea and crackers will be served.

Breakfast Talk: John O’Farrell on There’s Only Two David Beckhams

Breakfast Talk John O’Farrell on There's Only Two David Beckhams

STOCKHOLM | Thursday 26th May at 09:00

We are thrilled to invite you to a truly British morning in the Stockholm bookshop – John O’Farrell is joining us for breakfast all the way from London to discuss his latest novel There’s Only Two David Beckhams

Breakfast Music: 3 Women with Sofie Livebrant

3 Women – Sofie Livebrant on Dickinson, Winterson, and Boye

STOCKHOLM | Thursday 12th May at 09:00

Welcome to a new take on our popular Breakfast Talk series in the Stockholm shop – Breakfast Music!

Books of the month for May

General Fiction: A. D. Miller – The Faithful Couple

British Crime: David Mark – Dark Winter

Tough Crime: James Carlos Blake – The House of Wolfe

Science Fiction: Danie Ware – Ecko: Rising

Fantasy: Clifford Beal – Guns of Ivrea

Paranormal/Urban Fantasy: Seanan McGuire – Chaos Choreography

Classic of the Month: Jean Rhys – Good Morning, Midnight

Teen reading: Emery Lord – When We Collided

Non-Fiction: Bill Bryson – Shakespeare

A. D. Miller – The Faithful CoupleDavid Mark – Dark Winter (DS Aector McAvoy #1)James Carlos Blake – The House of Wolfe (A Border Noir) Daniel Ware – Ecko: RisingGeoffrey Beal – Guns of Ivrea Seanan McGuire – Chaos Choreography (Incryptid Novels)Jean Rhys – Good Morning, MidnightEmery Lord – When We CollidedBill Bryson – Shakespeare

Storytelling for Children, Saturday 7th May in Uppsala

UPPSALA | Saturday 7th May at 11:00

Harry is lost in the fog.
Heather keeps falling in the water.

Soggy stories at the last time we meet before the summer.

Story time at eleven o’clock, Saturday 7th May at The English Bookshop in Uppsala.

Heather Fell in the Water by Doug MaCleod and Craig Smith Hog in the Fog by Julia Copus and Eunyoung Seo

Celebrate World Book Day at the Uppsala bookshop

Celebrate World Book Day at the bookshop

UPPSALA | Saturday 23rd April

Oh what a party! Celebrate WORLD BOOK DAY at the Uppsala bookshop on Saturday 23rd April!

STORYTELLING at 11:00 Stories about marvellous moggies and their feline foibles and at eleven o’clock.

All Day DRESS-UP Everyone dressed up as a character from a book gets a gift from us! This goes for children as well as adults, so if you (or your child) want to come dressed as Paddington, Sherlock Holmes, ­Hermione Granger, or anyone else, we promise you it will be worth your while.

FREE BOOK for 7-year-olds.  Gifts for all 7-year-olds! Just say you love reading and you’ll get a free book! (Also at the Stockholm bookshop.)

Gifts and offers valid while stocks last.

Storytelling for Children, Saturday 23rd April in Uppsala

UPPSALA | Saturday 23rd April at 11:00

Cats do lovely things.
And yucky things.
And some things that make us laugh.

Stories about marvellous moggies and their feline foibles and at eleven o’clock, Saturday 23rd April at The English Bookshop in Uppsala.

Cat Dreams by Ursula K Le Guin and S.D.Schindler Dave by Sue Hendra and Liz Pichon

Breakfast Talk: Meet Bill Clegg

Breakfast Talk: Bill Clegg on Did You Ever Have A Family

STOCKHOLM | Wednesday 20th April 09:00

We are thrilled to introduce New York writer Bill Clegg, who will join us for breakfast in the Stockholm shop to discuss his bestselling debut novel Did You Ever Have a Family. Bill is one of New Yorks foremost literary agents, and the author of two previous memoirs.

Did You Ever Have a Family was longlisted for both The National Book Award and The Man Booker Prize. An elegant and heartrending story about a terrible tragedy, it’s also an unforgettable tale that reveals humanity at its best through forgiveness and hope. At its core the book is a celebration of family – the ones we are born with and the ones we create.

Breakfast Talk: Ruby Jand on Shakespeare

Breakfast Talk: Ruby Jand on Shakespeare Calling

STOCKHOLM | Thursday 21st April 09:00

Who is Hamlet? Is Lady Macbeth really evil? Can Caliban really be a twitchy speeded Goth freak? What’s so interesting about Lady Blanche, Lucius, Queen Margaret, Cassius, Paulina, Emilia, Celia...?

These questions sent the new Bardolator Ruby Jand on a journey of exploration into the world of Shakespeare. On this morning, Ruby will discuss what Shakespeare means to us today, present some views on his life and plays, and read excerpts from her newly released book Shakespeare Calling.

Breakfast Talk: Ruby Jand on Shakespeare Calling
Thursday 21st April at 09:00
Advance tickets 30:- (incl. breakfast roll) available for purchase at the Stockholm shop. Get yours today.

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