
Release: 99 Peculiarities of American Presidents

Book release: 99 Peculiarities of American Presidents

STOCKHOLM | Wednesday 5th Oct at 18:00

This year we are facing one of the most unusual presidential election campaigns in the world´s only remaining super power. But who said that this has been an unique event?

Please join us in the Stockholm shop as Professor Wilhelm Engström, president of the Swedish British Society, presents his new book; ”99 Peculiarities of American Presidents”.

This book will reveal amongst other peculiarities that one president was a furry mutton‑chopped chief executive who made pronouncements from his bathroom, another who graduated from being a hangman to President, another who compared work in the White House to travails in other less salubrious establishments, not to mention the President who was approached to run for the office by both sides.

Wilhelm Engström, on this day just back from the United States, will be introducing his new book as well as giving some fresh reflections on the momentum of the current presidential campaign. Refreshments and snacks will be served.

Please let us know if you are planning to attend this interesting evening; email us at or call 08-790 55 10.

Books of the month for October

General Fiction: Jonathan Coe – Number 11

British Crime: Steve Burrows – A Siege of Bitterns

Tough Crime: Brian Panowich – Bull Mountain

Fantasy: Natasha Pulley – The Watchmaker of Filigree Street

Science Fiction: James P. Smythe – Way Down Dark

Paranormal/Urban Fantasy: Amanda Downum – Dreams of Shreds and Tatters

Teen reading: David Arnold – Kids of Appetite

Classic of the Month: Christopher Isherwood – Mr Norris Changes Trains

Non-Fiction: Kim Barker – Whiskey Tango Foxtrot: Strange Days in Afghanistan and Pakistan


Jonathan Coe – Number 11 Steve Burrows – A Siege of Bitterns (Birder's Mystery #1) Brian Panowich – Bull MountainNatasha Pulley – The Watchmaker of Filigree StreetJames P. Smythe – Way Down Dark (Australia #1)Amanda Downum – Dreams of Shreds and TattersDavid Arnold – Kids of Appetite Christopher Isherwood – Mr Norris Changes Trains Kim Barker – Whiskey Tango Foxtrot: Strange Days in Afghanistan and Pakistan

The bookshop at the book fair

Bokmässan 2016

The English Bookshop at the Gothenburg book fair!

We've built a shop at the Gothenburg book fair – do come by C04:29 if you're in town.

Visit our fair shop at stand C04:29 – special offer 3 for 2 on everything in the stand! (Oh we got lovely, lovely bags as well – to be found also in the shops after the fair.)

Don’t miss the chance to meet authors and have your books signed, check out our signing schedule (subject to change and additions).

Storytelling for Children, Saturday 24th September at the English Bookshop in Uppsala

Have you ever... Wanted to be left alone?
Met anyone who's a pirate?
Wanted to find a fruit bat?

At Storytime we will discover some people who have!
This Saturday at 11 o'clock, at the English Bookshop in Uppsala.

Breakfast Talk with Nell Zink in Stockholm

Breakfast Talk with Nell Zink

STOCKHOLM | Tuesday 13th Sept at 09:00

Welcome to our first breakfast talk of the season!

Called one of 2014’s most exciting debutant by The Guardian, at the age of 50, Nell Zink is no ordinary writer. Her debut novel The Wallcreeper, which she started writing for the American novelist Jonathan Franzen during their correspondence, was named one of 100 notable books by The New York Times that year. Her second book Mislaid was longlisted for the National Book Award.

Nell was brought up in rural Virginia and has worked in the construction, pharmaceutical, and software industries. In the ’90s she founded an indie rock fanzine, and her writing has also appeared in n+1. She is now a translator living in Germany.

Don’t miss having breakfast with this extraordinary writer, coffee/tea and a breakfast roll is included as usual!

Get your ticket at the Stockholm bookshop today. Tickets 30:- (coffee/tea and a breakfast roll included).

Join us for KulturNatten 2016 in Uppsala

Program KulturNatten 2016

UPPSALA | Saturday 10th Sept 

Celebrate Culture Night with us! We start already at 11:00 (am) with Storytelling for Children. At 18:00 Ola Larsmo presents his new novel on emigrated Swedes in the slums of S:t Paul, Minnesota (in Swedish). Last out is Helena Dahlgren with 100 horrors at 19:30.

Read more below

Culture Night Storytelling in Uppsala

UPPSALA | Saturday 10th Sept at 11:00

Would you rather go to bed or have a mighty rumpus?
Would you rather be kissed by a monster or eaten by a friend?
Would you rather eat a frog or a cake?

These and other important questions to be explored at story time, at eleven o’clock, Saturday 10th September at The English Bookshop in Uppsala.

Bedtime for Monsters by Ed Vere Max and Bird by Ed Vere Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak Would you rather? by John Birningham

Books of the month for September

General Fiction: Paul Beatty – Sellout

British Crime: David Ashton Mistress of the Just Land

Tough Crime: Neal Griffin – Benefit of the Doubt

Fantasy: James A. Moore – Seven Forges

Science Fiction: Bennett Coles – Virtues of War

Paranormal/Urban Fantasy: Jonathan Wood – No Hero (#1)

Teen reading: Sophie Kinsella – Finding Audrey

Classic of the Month: Sinclair Lewis – It Can't Happen Here

Non-Fiction: Margaret Forster – My Life in Houses


Paul Beatty – SelloutDavid Ashton - Mistress of the Just Land: A Jean Brash Mystery 1Neal Griffin – Benefit of the Doubt James A. Moore – Seven ForgesBennett Coles – Virtues of WarJonathan Wood – No Hero (#1)Sophie Kinsella – Finding AudreySinclair Lewis – It Can't Happen HereMargaret Forster – My Life in Houses

Talk: Merlin – the man, the myth, the magic

Talk: Merlin - the man, the myth, the magic

STOCKHOLM | Thursday 1st Sept at 18:30

Join us in the Stockholm bookshop for an evening talk on Merlin – the man, the myth, the magic.

Stay on after the talk to mingle with Rhuddem Gwelin (also known as Ruby Jand, author of Shakespeare Calling) and celebrate the publication of her new fantasy novel The Nature of Things: Volume 1 in the Merlin Chronicles.

Free. » More information 

Jenny Offill signing in Stockholm

Book signing with Jenny Offill

STOCKHOLM | Tuesday 30th August at 15:30

THIS JUST IN: Jenny Offill is doing a book signing in the Stockholm bookshop Tuesday 30th August at 15:30!

Don’t miss this opportunity to meet Jenny Offill in our shop for a last minute secret signing!

Jenny Offill's first novel Last Things was published in 1999, and she is also the author of several brilliant picture books for children.

Her book Dept. of Speculation (2014), a dazzling exploration of a young Brooklyn marriage, became one of the industry’s most talked about and a favorite among readers and reviewers alike. The Boston Globe described it as ’[Q]uietly smashing . . . A book so radiant, so sparkling with sunlight and sorrow, that it almost makes a person gasp.’

We hope to see you in the Stockholm shop for this unique meet-the-author opportunity!
No need to RSVP, just show up!

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