UPPSALA | Friday 1st–Saturday 2nd July
The Sidewalk Supersale is cancelled this Saturday. (Too rainy...) Or rather postponed – we'll be back next week. As will the sunny summer weather... Watch this space for next opportunity to make crazy bargains.
Tomorrow afternoon, Friday 1st July, at 1 pm, on the sidewalk in front of our little corner shop your minds will be blown (but not your wallets)!!!
We’re chucking out loads and loads of really good titles we need to get rid of (shop’s a little TOO charmingly cluttered of late) – and (and I’m going to shout now) THE PRICES ARE AMAZING!
Any 1 book for 20 kronor. (Dirt cheap, I know but wait...)
Any 4 books for 50 kronor. (Wow! That's cheap, but hold on... )
Any 10 books for 120 kronor. (Say what????)
Yes – sale is on Friday afternoon and Saturday only, and while stocks last and we still have strength.
SO – go home and sleep now, and after a lovely lazy morning, come downtown and make the bargain of a lifetime. Bring a little money and a trolley.