
Författarbesök: Rytmen av London

Rytmen av London – Anders Steinvall

UPPSALA | Lördag 8 dec kl 17.00

Rytmen av London – en resa genom mångfaldens geografi

London är ett kärt resmål för många svenskar, men också så mycket mer än det: det är en stad som går sin egen väg och mångfalden har blivit det normala. 

Välkommen till en afton med journalisten och författaren Anders Steinvall där han berättar om resan från Brixton till Brexit och tar oss genom vad som kallats Londons ”coola geografi”, ett urbant ideal starkt präglat av immigration.


Meet Theodor Kallifatides - author talk


Author talk Theodor Kallifatides

STOCKHOLM | Thursday 6th Dec at 18.30

Theodor Kallifatides on ”Another Life – On Memory, Language, Love, and the Passage of Time”

Thursday 6th December at 18.30 at The English Bookshop Stockholm

We are excited to welcome Theodor Kallifatides to celebrate his latest book Another Life – a wonderfully written meditation on finding yourself and your place in the world no matter who you are. Author talk and signing.

TICKETS 60:- (incl. Greek snacks & refreshments).

Advance tickets are available at the bookshop and also online at billetto

Book Extravaganza – a cosy night at the bookshop


Book Extravaganza – cosy night at the bookshop

UPPSALA | Wednesday 5th December at 19.00

Feeling unsure what to give for Christmas? Or just want the perfect recommendations for yourself?

Come to The English Bookshop and listen to book recommendations from the whole staff. We'll begin with telling you about our favourite books of the year, and then leave time for you to ask for special requests. 

Plus: tea and homemade cake. 
This could be the cosiest evening ever!

Tickets 60:-. Get your ticket at the bookshop today. 
Limited number of seats.

Uppsala City Night Nov 8th

Uppsala City Night - Thursday 8th Nov 2018

UPPSALA | Thursday 8th Nov

Join us for a cosy evening in the bookshop as the shops in Uppsala City celebrate City Night with extra long shop hours. 

Have tea in the bookshop. Special offers on selected titles. And why not get great tips for the upcoming Sunday’s Father’s Day? We're open until 21.00.

You can read more about the Uppsala City Night at the facebook page Uppsala City where you'll also find information on a contest where you can win a gift certificates worth 3.000:- (or visit for more info)

Talk: The Making and Re-making of Frankenstein

Talk: The Making and Re-making of Frankenstein

UPPSALA | Wednesday 31st October at 19.00

Welcome to Halloween at The English Bookshop in Uppsala! Daniel Ogden will give a talk about The Making and Re-making of Frankenstein – Celebrating 200 years of Mary Shelley’s gothic classic.

Join us for an evening where shadows lurk in the corners and literary genius lights our way.

Wednesday 31st October at 19.00
Tickets 70:- incl tea and cake.
Get your ticket at the bookshop today – limited number of seats.

Vote for Citizens of the Year in Uppsala


Vote for Citizens of the Year in Uppsala

The founders of our shops – Jan & Christer – have been nominated for the Uppsala Citizen of the Year Award. We're all super excited about this!
Want to help us vote them to the finals? Click to read more

Win author signed copies


Win author signed copies

** Contest now closed – winners announced after the weekend **

Win author signed copies of Robert Galbraith’s latest mystery novel Lethal White (hardback), Yuval Noah Harari’s exploration of the future 21 Lessons for the 21st Century (3 signed hardback copies), or an awesome pack with three suspenseful titles (3 packs).

Click to read more

Author signing at the book fair in Gothenburg

Author signings at the book fair

GÖTEBORG Bokmässan | Thurs 27th–Sun 30th September

Welcome to our stand C04:29 at Bokmässan, Gothenburg Book Fair, Thursday 27th–Sunday 30th September.

Special fair offer: 3for2 on everything in the stand.

Author signings Friday and Saturday – click to see signing schedule.

Author Talk: The Three Wells of Screenwriting – Matthew Kalil

Author talk: The Three Wells of Screenwriting – Matthew Kalil

STOCKHOLM | Saturday 22nd Sept at 10.30

Saturday Morning Author Talk by writer and director Matthew Kalil,
author of The Three Wells of Screenwriting

Discover Your Deep Sources of Inspiration

Do you ever wonder where your story ideas come from? Discover your hidden wells of endless creativity and use them to write highly original scenes, characters, and adventures.

Click to read more

Beats across the Ocean – Poetry reading

Beats Across the Ocean

STOCKHOLM | Thursday 13th Sept at 18.30

Beat poetry reading by international Beat Poets featuring the Beat Poet Laureates of both Sweden and the United States

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