
Harry Potter Book Night 2019

Harry Potter Book Night 2019

UPPSALA | Thursday 7th Feb at 19:00 Ticketed

It’s time for our fifth annual Harry Potter Book Night! This time the talk will be in Swedish, and together with themed baking and a quiz I'm sure we will have a magical night. Get your ticket today! Click ”Read more” for more info.

På spaning efter kända författare

På spaning efter kända författare

UPPSALA | Monday 11th Feb at 19.00 Biljetterat event

”På spaning efter kända författare” – Catharina & David Miller

Catharina & David Miller kommer och berättar om sin bok ”På spaning efter kända författare”, där de gör nedslag bland de brittiska klassikerna och besöker de platser där författarna bott, verkat och skriver om.

Talk: Agatha Christie – Murders in the Making

Morgan Malm on Agatha Christie

UPPSALA | Wednesday 23 January at 19.00

Agatha Christie – Murders in the Making
Morgan Malm on Agatha Christie and her literary world

Agatha Christie is a master of plotmaking and her characters are among the best known in detective fiction.

Come and listen to Morgan Malm as he unravels her world of classic mysteries. Perfect for both new and old readers of the queen of crime! You might even get to witness the murder of a myth or two...

Launch: An Isle Full of Noises – Merlin Chronicles 3

Book launch Merlin Chronicles 3

STOCKHOLM | Thursday 17th January at 18.30

London. 1599. Hamlet premiers at the Globe. Merlin is there.

Winners announcement


And the winners are...

Thanks to everyone taking part in our Christmas Signed Book Contest. This has been our biggest competition ever, with participants in the hundreds (!), so it took us a while to figure it all out, but we finally have a list of lucky winners – are you one of them…? Click ’Read more’ to reveal the winners list.

Shop Hours New Year’s 2018


Happy New Year!


Shop hours during the holidays:
UPPSALA New Year’s Eve: 10–15, New Year’s Day: closed.
STOCKHOLM New Year’s Eve & Day: closed.

Christmas Signed Book Contest


Enter in the big Christmas Signed Book Contest – runs until New Year’s

Enter our Christmas Signed Book Contest and you could win author signed books!

Every week until Christmas, on Mondays, we present 6 titles and 6 videos. In the video someone from the bookshop will read a short passage from the book.

Your mission is, should you choose to accept it, to match each video with the corresponding title.

Contest runs until the end of the year!

18 videos and text passages to match, 18 signed books to win! 

*** The contest is closed. Winners will be announced soon. ***

Christmas Hours 2018


Christmas Hours at the bookshops

Ho ho ho! This week before Christmas we’re helping Santa out by keeping the shops open longer!

UPPSALA: Mon–Fri 10–20, Saturday 10–17, Sunday 10–17.
Christmas Eve & Day closed. Boxing Day 26th Dec open 12–16.

STOCKHOLM: Mon–Fri 10–19, Saturday 10–17, Sunday 11–17.
Christmas holiday (24–26th) closed. Open again at 11 on Thurs 27th Dec.

We Inspire Me – signing & talk

We Inspire Me

STOCKHOLM | Thursday 13th Dec at 18.30

Join us in the Stockholm shop for a conversation about illustration, design, and community with culture creator/designer, Mam Foon, and author/illustrator, Andrea Pippins. Free.

Christmas Horror with Mats Strandberg

Christmas Horror with Mats Strandberg

UPPSALA | Tuesday 11th Dec at 19.00

Ever feel like Christmas can get a bit too fluffy and cosy and just too sweet? Cure your seasonal nausea with a bit of first class frights! 

Let horror author and aficionado Mats Strandberg guide you to the best spooky literature this December. Mats will talk about reading horror, being a horror author, and recommend favourite books. Also time for book signing and a Q&A.

Welcome to a terrific horrific night at The English Bookshop in Uppsala!

Tuesday 11th December at 19.00
Tickets 60:- Get your ticket at the bookshop today – limited space.

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