
Book&Pint: The Smack – Richard Lange

Book&Pint: The Smack – Richard Lange

UPPSALA | Wednesday 22nd August 2018 at 19.00

Fancy a pint of your preferred beverage and an exciting read?
It’ time for Book&Pint again – join us at the pub for a crime book discussion!

Click to read more

Join the new Non-Fiction reading group

Non-Fiction reading group: I am, I am, I am – Maggie O’Farrell

UPPSALA | Wednesday 29th August 2018 at 19.00

You wanted to discuss non-fiction books – we listened! Welcome to join the new Non-Fiction reading group in Uppsala. Our first book is I Am, I Am, I Am: Seventeen Brushes With Death by Maggie O’Farrell, a memoir that shows that life can be just as dramatic as fiction.

Click to read more

Summer Book Box Competition


Summer Book Box Competition

Enter in the Big Summer Book Box Competition – now also with private accounts!

”Where are you reading today?” Snap a picture of where you’re reading today (a reading selfie if you’d like or just of your special place) and share it with us on social media. You could win one of FIVE great Book Boxes, curated by us and chosen from the best summer recommendations by Penguin Random House, Harper Collins, och LittleBrown. Each box contains 4 great books each (or more).

Click ”Read more” to read the competition instructions!

Author Talk: Alan Judd on MI6

Author Talk: Alan Judd on MI6

UPPSALA | Thursday 7th June at 19.00

Author Talk: ALAN JUDD on MI6
– the fascinating story of the launch of the British Secret Intelligence Service

Alan Judd, former soldier and diplomat, now renowned writer of spy thrillers and non-fiction will visit us to talk about MI6 and the fascinating and unique history of the launch of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service through the unusual life of its founder, Mansfield Cumming.

Thursday 7th June at 19.00
Ticket 60:- Get your ticket at the bookshop today. 
Refreshments and snacks. Limited number of seats.

Author Talk: Burkina Faso – Nothing Will Be As Before

Author Talk: Nothing will be as before

UPPSALA | Tuesday 29th May at 19.00


Join us for professor Sten Hagberg’s knowledge­able and inspiring talk about a changing ­Burkina Faso, as the country makes a break with its authoritarian past.

Nothing Will Be As Before is the result of ethnographic research on socio-­political transformations in Burkina Faso. With the popular insurrection in October 2014 that ousted President Blaise Compaoré from power, this country marks a break with its authoritarian past. Burkina Faso is engaged in democratic renewal, at the same time as political continuity is evident.

Tuesday 29th May at 19:00
Free, but sign up at the bookshop (limited seating) or by email:

Refreshments & snacks served.

In co-operation with Uppsala Forum for Africa Studies at Uppsala University.

Irish Storytelling for children of all ages

Irish Storytelling

UPPSALA | Saturday 26th May at 11.00

Irish Storytelling: Fairy Tales retold for children of all ages

Join us for this special Irish Storytelling for children with Martina Maher.
No need to sign up – just show up and join the fun! Free.

GDPR - New EU regulation


GDPR in effect from May 25th 2018

By now you are probably sick and tired of hearing of GDPR, so we’ll be brief:

We will continue to protect your privacy and personal data – you don’t need to do anything.

If you want to know more:

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is an EU regulation that will come into effect on May 25th 2018. It replaces the previous Swedish law ”Personuppgiftslagen”. For you as a customer that means even stronger protection of your personal data and gives you more control over its use.

» Read more about how we handle and protect your privacy and personal data

Doctor Who Night – Monsters & Villains

Doctor Who Night – Monsters & Villains

UPPSALA | Thursday 17th May at 19:00

DOCTOR WHO NIGHT – Monsters & Villains
Monsters galore when Sweden’s leading Who-expert Kristina Rudbjer delves into the world of Cybermen, Weeping angels, Daleks, Azorbaloffs and all manner of mysterious creatures throughout the last 55 years.

Dress up as your ­favourite monster or villain – or character!
Fabulous prizes to be won.

When: Thursday 17th May at 19:00
Where: The English Bookshop, Uppsala
How much: 60 kr – including tea & cake! Get your ticket today.
Why: to have fun, meet whovians and learn new, fun stuff about monsters!

Limited number of participants – get your ticket at the bookshop today!

Shop Hours for Ascension Day 2018

Shop hours for Ascension Day

Ascension day | Thursday 10th May

On Ascension Day (Kristi Himmelsfärdsdag) on Thursday both our shops are open 12–16. Welcome.

Stockholm shop turns ten!

Celebrating 10 years in Stockholm

STOCKHOLM | Tuesday 8th May

Today, May 8th, our shop in Stockholm turns 10 – come celebrate with us! 10% off everything in the Stockholm shop until Sunday.

On a sunny Thursday in May ten years ago, Carolyn Cassady of immense beat (and other) fame, cut the green ribbon and inaugurated our shop in Old Town in Stockholm. Today, May 8th, marks the ten year anniversary of the shop opening in Stockholm.

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