
John Clute and the SF-Encyclopedia – Film from the Culture evening at the Bookshop

A VERY interesting talk with the recent Hugo winner. An agile mind in that fellow... And we're greatly honoured again to be sponsoring - don't miss it!

See video

Gud har annat för sig- Film from the Culture evening at the bookshop

We're so proud to be sponsoring this production and they had a great time telling people about it at the shop!

See the program for the show at Regina theater in Uppsala

See video

Fantastic programme for Kulturnatten 2012 at The Uppsala English Bookshop

The Uppsala Culture Night 2012 (Kulturnatten Uppsala) will take place on September 8. We have a fantastic programme!

Don't miss out on visiting the bookshop during this tremendous day; we are bringing in authors from the far reaches of the world. This is a unique opportunity to take part of otherwise unseen international literary excellence. We are also proud to be previewing two of this autumn's biggest cultural events in Uppsala: Teater C and Kontrast!

News for August!


’Summer’ is over and we’re moving into the next reading period; where reading has to compete with school and work. But there are plenty of good books to choose from. And work/school will be the better for it.

Books of the month for August. Our picks!

Book signing

 Billy Bob Buttons; Tor - Assassin Hunter

Saturday 21 July from 11.00, Billy Bob Buttons will sign his new book Tor - Assassin Hunter. Welcome to the Uppsala shop.

Billy Bob Buttons in the bookshop

Author visit

Jon Jefferson - Author Reading 7 july 2012, English Bookshop, Gamla stanMeet best-selling forensic crime author Jon Jefferson – co-author of the Body Farm novels – on Saturday, July 7 at The English Bookshop in Gamla Stan at 2 p.m. He will be signing his books and will be reading from the latest book, The Inquisitor's Key. 
All are welcome!

Jon Jefferson in the bookshop
Download the poster 


Saturday 9th June at 11 at Lilla Nygatan 11, Gamla stan. Welcome all 3-6 year olds
for storytelling with Philip. No need to sign up, just show up
at the shop and join the fun.

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