
Magic changes – Story Time at The Uppsala English Bookshop

Amazing things happen in stories. We all know that, don’t we? Cinderella goes to the ball in a pumpkin and Sleeping Beauty gets a wake-up kiss. But have you heard about Chip the guinea-pig who grows red hair and starts to sing? What about Marlon the monster who grows a noo-noo tree and Louis who learns to play football?

Come and listen to the magic.

Story-time at 1 o’clock, 18th March, at the English Bookshop.

Reading Group - Salvage the Bones by Jesmyn Ward

Reading Group - Salvage the Bones by Jesmyn WardWelcome to a cozy evening meeting in the bookshop to discuss the month’s book Salvage the Bones. During the evening we’ll talk about the book and enjoy each other’s company as well as a nice cuppa’ tea and some delicious cake. And you get 10% discount on everything!

The cost is only 50:- + book 130:-. (Oh, that includes the delicious cake as well!) Limited number of participants (max 10), so talk to the book- sellers and book your seat today.

Uppsala: Wed March 14th / Thu March 15th at 7 pm
Stockholm: Tue March 20th / Wed March 21st at 7 pm

Reading Group - The Stars in the Bright Sky by Alan Warner

xWelcome to a cozy evening meeting in the bookshop to discuss the month’s book – The Stars in the Bright Sky by Alan Warner. During the evening we’ll talk about the book and enjoy each other’s company as well as a nice cuppa’ tea and some delicious cake. And you get 10% discount on everything!

The cost is only 50:- + book 130:-. (Oh, that includes the delicious cake as well!) Limited number of participants (max 10), so talk to the book- sellers and book your seat today.

Uppsala: Wed Feb 15th / Thu Feb 16th at 7 pm
Stockholm: Wednesday Feb 22nd at 7 pm

Afraid? Me? What of?

Are you afraid of spiders? What about bottom-biting bog monsters? Or
vampire neighbours? How about a huge squawking baby vulture in the
middle of the night?

Come and hear stories about a scared knight, a lonely spider and other
amazing creatures at 1pm on Saturday 11th February.

Happy New Year!


Happy New Year, The English Bookshop (2011) We want to wish all our friends and customers a great 2012 and thank you for 2011 which has been by far the best year for The English Bookshop in our entire 16 year history. Never before have we sold so many books, never before have we had so many great conversations with customers, read so many great books or had so much fun.

And it all comes down to you.
So from all of us at the shop(s):
Thank You for making sure we'll be around to see another year.
Together we will make it even better.
You all rock. (In a literary, sophisticated way, of course.)

…All I want for Christmas is a happy ending…

Christmas is coming: the geese are getting fat.

But that’s not all that’s happening.

Tyler is searching for an angel that looks just right. Sam is worried about polar bears. Dylan and Bronwen hear a ghost on Christmas Eve. But what about Bradley? He is setting a trap for Santa!

Come for yuletide yarns where things end well (except for the goose) at 1pm on Sunday 4th December.

Doctor Who Night 23/11!

Doctor Who Event

Welcome to a Doctor Who Evening at The English Bookshop! 
This is your opportunity to meet other whovians in Uppsala,
and discuss doctors and companions and your favourite
books and episodes.
Lots happening during the evening:
A TALK about the Doctor Who books

Storytelling in Uppsala 5/11

Storytelling for ChildrenFamilies are where we live. What is yours like? Small or big? Calm or noisy? Can a family tell too many jokes or have too much money? Come to the English Bookshop and hear about a family with aunties that kiss too much, a bad family that gets better and another with a girl who won’t eat her tomatoes.

Bring your family at 1pm on Saturday 5th November for a giggle.

  • Master Money the Millionaire, Mrs Jolly's Joke Shop, Master Track's Train and Mr Creep the Crook all by Allan Ahlberg
  • No more Kisses for Bernard by Niki Daly (Not in the bookshop at time of writing. Please, use our BookFinder service)
  • I will not ever never eat a tomato by Lauren Child

Look! There's a lion in the library! – Storytelling in Uppsala 23/10

Storytelling for ChildrenLook! There's a lion in the library! A tiger in a picture! A pig playing a trumpet! What's going on? Come and find out at story time this Sunday with Hannah and Rosie, 1 o'clock on 23rd October in the English Bookshop, Uppsala.

Upcoming Storytelling at The Uppsala English bookshop during the autumn of 2011:
Saturday, 5th November at 1pm

Julian Barnes wins The Man Booker Prize for Fiction 2011!

Congratulations to Julian Barnes for winning the 2011 Man Booker Prize for Fiction for his novel "The Sense of an Ending"!

Dame Stella Rimington, Chair of the 2011 judges, made the announcement at the awards dinner at London's Guildhall and she comments: "Julian Barnes' The Sense of an Ending has the markings of a classic of English Literature. It is exquisitely written, subtly plotted and reveals new depths with each reading."

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