Worried about running out of reading material during the pandemic?
We’re open as usual and are observing all precautionary recommendations. You are most welcome to pop in and talk and browse and shop (as most of you still do, if this weekend was any indication!) We’re all in this together, you are not alone.
If however you feel that you want a book or two, and are uncertain about how risky venturing outside is for you as an individual (or if you’re self-isolating for not feeling well), we do have a couple of options:
1. Use our regular mail order option. Call, email or message us on facebook (send a message rather than post comment) and we will post you the books with an invoice. (If you want to make sure the book fits in your mailbox so you won’t have to go pick it up somewhere – pick a thin one! You can ask us.)
2. Our extra pandemic option – if you happen to live in our neighbourhood – contact us and let us know what you want and we will stop by with your delivery. You can pay by swish (preferred) or invoice. We’re not charging for this option – it’s a service to our locals. Cycling distance.
Stay strong, read a book and remember your local bookshop is thinking of you.
email: uppsala@bookshop.se
fb messenger: m.me/UppsalaEnglishBookshop
fb page: @UppsalaEnglishBookshop
email: stockholm@bookshop.se
fb messenger: m.me/EnglishBookshopSthlm
fb page: @EnglishBookshopSthlm