STOCKHOLM | Sunday 2nd June at 16:00
Welcome to the Stockholm bookshop for an author visit and reading of new poetry and fiction by Cynthia Arrieu-King & Agri Ismaïl.
Free – bring a friend!
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CYNTHIA ARRIEU-KING is an associate professor of creative writing at Stockton University and a former Kundiman Fellow. Her books include People are Tiny in Paintings of China, Manifest, winner of the Gatewood Prize selected by Harryette Mullen, and most recently Futureless Languages. Her poetry appears in Poetry, BOMB Magazine, Triquarterly. She has led workshops in New Jersey schools and for New Jersey educators through the Dodge Foundation. She divides her time between Philadelphia and Louisville, Kentucky.
AGRI ISMAÏL is a Kurdish author, based in Sweden. His work has appeared in The White Review, the Rumpus, and Guernica, amongst other places. He was longlisted for the 2018 Galley Beggar Press Short Story Prize, a runner-up for the 2017 Lifted Brow & RMIT non/fiction Lab Prize for Experimental Non-Fiction, and his piece 'Haunted Home' won the 2016 Stack award for best non-fiction. He is an Assistant Editor at Short Fiction Journal and is on the editorial board of the Swedish journal Glänta.
Visit Cynthia:
» website: www.cynthiaarrieuking.blogspot.com
» twitter @cindyking11
Follow Ari on twitter:
» @a9ri – www.twitter.com/a9ri