STOCKHOLM | Tuesday 30th may at 18:30
The Sandhamn Murders series makes us wonder: What secrets can an idyllic island hide…
The enormously popular series by Viveca Sten has been made into a successful TV miniseries that has been broadcast around the world and more than 4 million copies of her books have been sold. The third book in the series, Guiltless, is to be published just before the talk.
Meet Viveca on Tuesday 30th May at 18:30 in the Stockholm shop on Södermannagatan 22.
Advance tickets (60:- incl. refreshments) are available online at www.billetto.se/nordic-noir-sten or at the Stockholm bookshop
Visit Viveca Sten's website at www.vivecasten.com
Read all about the Nordic Noir Talk series at www.bookshop.se/nordicnoir
Next up in the series are Anita Shenoi & Gabriella Ullberg Westin on June 15th.