This is where I am – Karen Campbell at The Uppsala International Authors Stage

We're bringing Karen Campbell back to Uppsala and she will be the premiere guest at the new Uppsala Internationella Författarscen; a collaboration between us and the Stadsbibliotek. This is such a wonderful and important book. You're in for a real treat. Everybody here at the shop LOVES this book! This cannot be overstated.

  • Thursday 6/3, 6pm, at Uppsala City Library (Stadsbiblioteket)
  • No entrance fee, but book your ticket at Stadsbibliotek reception, 018-727 83 33. You need to collect your ticket at least 30 minutes before the event.

Karen Campbell in the bookshop

Om Uppsalas Internationella Författarscen / Uppsala International Authors Stage

This is where I am – Karen Campbell at The Uppsala International Authors Stage