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Meet the O'Sullivan twins: Pat and Isabel. Cheeky, obstinate and determined to make pests of themselves at their new school.
There are a lot of pranks going on at St. Clare's. From cats in the cabinets to Þre- crackers in the Þreplace, a secret dog in the attic to a midnight feast, get ready to have some fun with the troublemaking- girls at St. Clare's!
Come for tea and talk about your favorite characters and pranks at St. Clare's. There may be some surprises in store! And there will deÞnitely be cake.
When: Saturday, June 5; 11:00 to 12:00
Where: The English Bookshop,
Lilla Nygatan 11, Gamla Stan
Talk to (or email) the book sellers to book your seat.
Enid Blyton in the bookshop