UPPSALA & STOCKHOLM | Fri 25–Sun 27 February 2022
3for2 on everything in our shops! All Thank You Weekend, Friday 25–Sunday 27 February 2022. A small way of saying Thank You for sticking with us and supporting us during the pandemic (and fingers crossed it will be over soon, for realz. The pandemic, that is...).
3for2 on everything in our shops (well, except staff and bookshelves), all weekend. (Unfortunately only on in-shop purchases this time.)
Every third book (or item) for free. Buy 3 – pay for 2. Buy 6 – pay for 4. Buy 9 – pay for 6. (you get the idea…)
Don’t forget to bring your shopping bags (or big wheelie trunks, if we know you right...) ;-)
We’ve been through a lot together… Through thick and thin, pandemic and restrictions, supply chain delays and lorry shortages – you have supported the bookshop in so many different ways.
THANK YOU! We knew our customers were the best, yet you managed to surprise us once again by the extent of your support and love for the bookshop.
This Thank You Weekend and 3for2 offer is just a small way of trying to say THANK YOU for your continued love and support. And we can’t wait to see you in the shops so we can thank you in person!