Here is a small selection of books that are perfect for the beach and hammock, or a cozy sofa on a rainy day. They are not listed in any particular order - just have your pick and dive in!
1. Elizabeth Kostova: The Swan Thieves This is art history, mystery, passion and drama all in one. The central painting is so vividly described that I immediately wanted to see it (...however it does not exist ;().
2. Susanna Clarke: Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell A wonderful historical fantasy - British magicians in the times of the Napoleonic wars. Phenomenal and totally absorbing! |
3. Michael Chabon: Wonder Boys A lot of laughs. Slightly absurd, quirky, and above all, very funny. |
4. Jonathan Safran Foer: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Unbelievably sweet, delightful, and oh, so heartbreaking. Simply put, it comes extremely close. |
5. Salman Rushdie: Midnight's Children A masterpiece from a master story teller. If you have even the slightest inclination towards magical realism and have not yet read it, do so now! |
6. Gabriel Garcia Marquez: Love in the Time of Cholera Same, same as #5, but of course different. Equally good. |
And two from the biography-shelf:
/Susanna at the Stockholm shop