UPPSALA | Friday 8th–Saturday 9th July
The weather looks great so we’re making a second attempt at our Summer Sidewalk Super Sale in Uppsala. Starts on Friday 8th July at 13:00, and on Saturday 9th July at 12:00.
We’re chucking out loads and loads of really good titles we need to get rid of (shop’s a little TOO charmingly cluttered of late) – and (and I’m going to shout now) THE PRICES ARE AMAZING!
Any 1 book for 20 kronor. (Dirt cheap, I know but wait...)
Any 4 books for 50 kronor. (Wow! That's cheap, but hold on... )
Any 10 books for 120 kronor. (Say what????)
Yes – sale is on Friday afternoon and Saturday only, and while stocks last and we still have strength.