UPPSALA | Sunday 19 Feb at 17.15. Free.
Some years ago, a fox walked into a bookshop – brought song-shaped stories and sang for us!
On Sunday 19th of February she is back in the shop with her new record If Time Is in tow.
Joules the Fox is a singer, songwriter, producer but above all: a wanderer. These last years, she roamed through various countries and crossed continents playing over 200 stages, ships and shops, writing many a song and singing, ah well, all the time.
Always accompanied by Guitar, Harmonizer and Looper, this one-fox-band will take you to places she has been to and been creating – some real, some imaginary.
UPPSALA Sunday 19th February after hours at about 17:15
Free, bring a friend. Voluntary contributions to the artist (bring cash for the passing hat).
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Joules’ musical journey surely is a wild hike through IndieFolkAmericanaPopYouNameIt – through the Woods of Words, up the hill to the Burrow and down the Nowhere Road.
Along the way you might find unearthly vocal choirs, cheeky chords, soothing strings and wholesome harp plings and you’ll be leaving the track with a song stuck in your ears, a smile on your face and Paint on your Hands. For Joules’ songs, stories and voice will accompany you gladly for a while or two.
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