UPPSALA | Tuesday 28th May at 19.00. Free!
Come and listen to one of the freshest voices of contemporary Ireland!
We are very happy to have the Irish spoken word poet Séamus Barra Ó Súilleabháin in the shop. This visit coincides with the release of his brand new EP: Ón mBarr Aníos!
Séamus will have his new EP for sale, so don't miss the opportunity of buying a copy of your very own. Also: the Swedish folk music band V-Dala Spelmanslag will be playing along with him – an Irish/Swedish collaboration!
Refreshments will be available. In the meantime, refresh yourself with a sneak peek at Séamus’ work at https://seamusbarra.bandcamp.com/
Tuesday 28th May at 19.00 at Uppsala English Bookshop.
Free – bring a friend!
In cooperation with Embassy of Ireland and Uppsala University, Celtic Section