
The Postmistress - Sarah Blake

The Postmistress - Sarah BlakeLondon, 1940. While bombs fall over streets, monuments, and shelters, American radio reporter Frankie Bard is in the thick of it all: the nightly raids, the fear, the neighbours who suddenly, from one day to the next, aren't there anymore.

Lord of Misrule

Jaimy Gordon
Lord of Misrule


Ed O'Loughlin
Trade Paperback

A Man of Parts

David Lodge
A Man of Parts
Trade Paperback

Lights Out in Wonderland

D. B. C. Pierre
Lights Out in Wonderland

A Surrey State of Affairs

Ceri Radford
A Surrey State of Affairs

Book of the month - April

Ian Holding - Of Beasts and Beings is our book of the month for April.

Time for another competition!

Deborah Harkness debut novel A Discovery of WitchesWe have a signed copy of Deborah Harkness debut novel A Discovery of Witches to give away. This book has been much talked about as a grown-up Twilight or Harry Potter. Throw in a dash of the Da Vinci Code and you've got a very exciting read!

So if you want to win a signed copy, send us an e-mail with the answer to this question before April 5; The author Deborah Harkness is a historian, but she's also a prominent blogger in the field of imbibables. Which one in particular does she blog about? (Entries within the KoS only.)

Reading Group – The Postmistress by Sarah Blake

Reading group 2011 MarchWelcome to a cozy evening meeting in the bookshop to discuss the month’s book. During the evening we’ll talk about the book and enjoy each other’s company as well as a nice cuppa’ tea and some delicious cake. And you get 10% discount on everything! The cost is only 50:- + book 98:-. (Oh, that includes the delicious cake as well!) Limited number of participants (max 10), so talk to the book- sellers and book your seat today.

Uppsala: March 22nd / 23rd / 24th at 7 pm
Stockholm: March 29th / 30th at 7 pm

The Postmistress by Sarah Blake in the bookshop
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