
Book of the month - September

Michael Cunningham - By Nightfall is our book of the month for September.

The Donor by Helen Fitzgerald

The Donor by Helen Fitzgerald  As much as I love Helen Fitzgerald, I must admit to a certain degree of anxiety upon I first hearing of her latest novel, "The Donor".

Derby Day

D. J. Taylor
Derby Day

The Cat's Table

Michael Ondaatje
The Cat's Table

The Song of Achilles

Madeline Miller
The Song of Achilles
Trade Paperback

The Postmortal

Drew Magary
The Postmortal


Anita Shreve

Only Time Will Tell

Jeffrey Archer
Only Time Will Tell

Reading Group – Ours are the streets by Sunjeev Sahota

Ours are the streets by Sunjeev Sahota

Welcome to a cozy evening meeting in the bookshop to discuss the month’s book. During the evening we’ll talk about the book and enjoy each other’s company as well as a nice cuppa’ tea and some delicious cake. And you get 10% discount on everything! The cost is only 50:- + book. (Oh, that includes the delicious cake as well!) Limited number of participants (max 10), so talk to the book- sellers and book your seat today.

Uppsala: August 31 and September 1 at 7 pm
Stockholm: September 7 at 7 pm

Ours are the Streets by Sunjeev Sahota in the bookshop

Book of the month - August

Sunjeev Sahota - Ours are the Streets is our book of the month for August.
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