
Book of the month – September

A. S.  Byatt – Ragnarok is our book of the month for September.

Crime and Guilt: Stories

Schirach, von, Ferdinand
Crime and Guilt: Stories

The Stockholm Octavo

Karen Engelmann
The Stockholm Octavo
Trade Paperback

Merivel: A Man of His Time

Rose Tremain
Merivel: A Man of His Time
Trade Paperback

The Teleportation Accident

Ned Beauman
The Teleportation Accident
Trade Paperback

The Lighthouse

Alison Moore
The Lighthouse
Trade Paperback

Sweet Tooth

Ian McEwan
Sweet Tooth

Book of the month – August

Elizabeth Hand – Generation Loss is our book of the month for August.

Bared to You

Sylvia Day
Bared to You

The Book Lover's Tale

Ivo Stourton
The Book Lover's Tale

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