Is there a tendency among us humans to always think that our own time
is the endpoint of history? An assumption that things are basically
going to continue the way they are now, only maybe a bit more
polished. Science fiction can bring back perspective, and make us see
that perhaps our piece of human history is just one small part.
The future as history that has not yet taken place is something Kim
Stanley Robinson does very well. After a few books set mostly on Earth
it's a joy to follow Kim Stanley Robinson to planets, moons and
asteroids. He returns to the Solar system 300 years in the future, in
a novel that deserves reading more than once. The year 2312 is pivotal
for the future of Earth and of the balkanized diaspora of humanity.
On Mercury, Swan Er Hong is grieving her grandmother Alex when
something terrible happens to her home city of Terminator. Alex was
involved in some secret plans, and following them will bring Swan to
Earth, to Venus, to Mars and to the moons of Saturn.
Swan Er Hong is one of the most interesting protagonists for a long
time. She is fascinationg: moody and impulsive, with low self esteem,
but paradoxically easy to like. She is very intense, dives into
everything with a lot of energy. She also grapples with her
shortcomings when it comes to people skills.
Swan embodies many questions about identity and continuity. She seems
to be uncomfortable with herself, and has made an unusual amount of
modifications to her body and brain. Does that make her posthuman, or
just more human?
Of course, in this future almost everyone makes alterations to their
bodies. If nothing else, in order to live longer. The longevity theme
is continued from the Mars books, and has social consequences. And
humanity is differentiating in their different worlds, dividing into
various groups. Our old, worn and troubled Earth holds a special
place, and is necessary for all of humanity in many ways. At the same
time, it's full of seemingly unsolvable social and environmental
2312 is a book that contains so much of everything we have come to
expect of this author. There is texture to the environment, a sense of
place and of personalities. There are grand stories of a changing
humanity, medium scale stories of terrorism and emerging AI, and small
stories of love and friendship. And there is the love of reality, the
grounding in science. The only thing I find less prominent in 2312
than I have come to expect is the partying: the scenes where people
just have fun. They exist, but are perhaps less exuberant.
The descriptions and infodumps are handled in a clever way, mostly by
putting them in the form of short "Extracts" and "Lists" between the
chapters. Some of these read like poetry. In this way a lot of facts
can be included, without bogging down the story and without ever
getting close to "as you know, Bob, ..."

Kim Stanley Robinson examines some of the well worn science fiction
tropes with a critical eye, and brings them to new life. Not much here
feels taken from a standard inventory of science fiction ingredients,
even it actually is. At the same time, you can feel the awareness of
the science fiction tradition, old and new. There are lots of small
nods and references, like calling one of the historical periods
between our time and 2312 the Accelerando, or describing
space as fugilin black (that has to be a reference to Gene
Wolfe, who else ever uses that word?), or mentioning the Dhalgren
sun. But of course Stan Robinson is just as aware of the rest of
our culture, with references to other kinds of literature, and art,
and music.
The soundtrack to this novel is Beethoven, by the way.