Marya Morevna, when you longed to see the world naked and watched for
what was hidded behind everyday things, did you know where it would
lead you? When you saw the three birds turning into men, did you
recognize the structure of your tale? When you learned the date of
your death, did it change your way of life?
They say there are only twelve plots, or seven, or three. These
contain all stories there are to tell. Perhaps it is true that the
human brain has a tendency to find certain patterns, to patch together
precisely these stories from the jumble of events, meetings, and
random catastrophes and triumphs that life brings. Maybe, but it does
not reduce the value of telling the stories, and retelling them again.
In Deathless Catherynne M. Valente lets the Russian folk tale
of Marya Morevna play out in parallel with some important decades in
the history of St. Petersburg-Petrograd-Leningrad, with revolution and
war. We know what will happen, we know at least the outlines of this
story -- even if we this time also get to see the house imps joining
the Party and forming committees. Most readers will also recognize the
structure of the fairy tale, and we understand that certain things
have to be. Even if we are not familiar with all the creatures of
Russian folk lore, we understand what they mean. There is an
inevitability to it all, that partly feels horrible and
claustrophobic, partly comforting and secure.
Knowing how it ends rarely makes a story less interesting, often more
so. In a fairy tale, we expect certain turns and we know at least
roughly where it will lead. Variations of folk tales is nearly a genre
in itself, maybe partly because the well known is a secure framework
for telling important stories. Also because if the reader can be
expected to know the story, she will understand which points are new,
or emphasized by the author.
Marya Morevna comes to the Country of Life, becomes the warrior queen,
confronts Baba Yaga, travels to the Country of Death. Everything is
expected, and everything is new and surprising. The writing is
beautiful. The triangle of Marya, Koschei and Ivan becomes a dark
comment on love and matrimony: who is to rule? The world we know fades
out of focus and back again. The tragedies of Leningrad in the war
gets entangled with the struggle against the boundaries of free will.
Life is like that. Life is not like that.