The Uppsala English Bookshop 15 Years!!!!

The Uppsala English Bookshop from the early days  - Jan

Yes! Thursday November 18 is our 15th birthday. Incredible, right?

And we're bigger, better, bolder than ever! All thanks to you guys of course.

So, please sign our Birthday Guestbook here

Winner of a signed copy of Simon Kernick's The Last 10 Seconds!

The winner of our fiercly competitive Simon Kernick competition is Mr P. Hurst! Actually he's the only one who got the question right. The answer of course is Tom Hickey. But you all knew that, really, right? (And the question was "What is the name of the lecturer in humanities at Brighton Polytechnic who was a major inspiration to Mr Kernick?")

So congratulations Phil, the book is in the post. 
Happy reading.

Competition; Win a signed copy of Simon Kernick's The Last 10 Seconds!

Simon Kernick - The Last 10 seconds

Win a signed copy of brit crime great Simon Kernick's latest race-against time bestseller The Last 10 Seconds!

All you have to do this time is send an email to with the answer to this question: 
What is the name of the lecturer in humanities at Brighton Polytechnic who was a major inspiration to Mr Kernick?

And, of course, you have to 'like' this post on Facebook!
Deadline for this competition is Sunday November 7. Good luck!

Winners of signed Rushdies!

The answers to the "Signed Salman Rushdie" competition were Lewis Shiner (remember, we should all be reading him....) and Ptosis. 

The lucky winners are Therese Granlund and Johan Anglemark! Congratulations! Get in touch for desired ink.

Pondering the Bookers


I've been reading nothing but Booker nominees for the last 8 weeks. I managed to read 8 of the 13 nominees and was lucky enough to finish the entire shortlist. It's been an interesting journey into many different worlds; from suburban Australia to a prison garden shed in Canada; from revolutionary America to jewish life in modern London; from the end of Jamaican slavery to airport bars at Gatwick; from backpacking in Lesotho to Egyptian grave excavations in the 1920s... Amazing how much thought has gone into all these works of fiction.

New Competition! Signed Salman Rushdie!

We are running a competition on our Facebook page. Price is a signed copy of Luka and the Fire of Life - signed by the very man himself.

Mario Vargas Llosa - The Nobel Prize in Literature 2010

Mario Vargas LlosaThe Nobel Prize in Literature 2010 was awarded to Mario Vargas Llosa "for his cartography of structures of power and his trenchant images of the individual's resistance, revolt, and defeat".

Mario Vargas Llosa - in the bookshop

Jan's Summer Reading


What I've been reading...